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In January 2022,  NED+’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Dega Smart has successfully passed ISO 14001 environmental management system certification.

The management system of Dega Smart has been strictly reviewed and certified to comply with the requirements of ISO14001:2015, covering the design and production of AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) optical display modules. The certification for Dega Smart was signed by SGS.

Through ISO14001 environmental management system certification, on the one hand, can continuously improve the company management and operation level, build a good corporate image in a global environment, continuously enhance brand strength, and facilitate the company to participate in international competition; on the other hand, can actively undertake and implement the corporate social responsibility, reduce the waste water noise hazardous waste emissions, improve the utilization efficiency of energy and resources, and effectively respond to the national call for energy conservation and emission reduction, ecological environment protection and sustainable development.

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