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Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 AR Glasses With Freeform Optical Module By NED

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Reported on May 20,2022, at the “Night of Snapdragon” event held tonight, Qualcomm officially released the Wireless AR Smart Glasses Reference Design equipped with Snapdragon XR2 Platform. Compared to the original wired AR, this brand-new design reduces the volume by approximately 40% and achieved a more ergonomic weighting, resulting in a more comfortable and stylish product.

It is introduced that the Snapdragon XR2 Wireless AR Reference Design is powered by Freeform Diamond AR optical solution developed by NED, which is co-developed jointly by Goertek and Ned+. It is worth noting that the Qualcomm XR1 AR Smart Glasses Reference Design also used the free-form AR Optical Solution by NED.

By using this type of free-form diamond product, the thickness of AR/MR machines can be directly cut by 36% from the current common 25mm to 16mm, which is much closer to the volume and shape of ordinary glasses, and significantly enhances the comfort when wearing. Compared with Qualcomm XR1, the overall power consumption of XR2 Smart Glasses Reference Design has decreased again. There are two factors behind the decrease of power consumption, one is the optimization of XR2 Platform based on XR1, which brings a decrease of power consumption of the chip itself; on the other hand, the XR2 Reference Design adopts the brand-new light and thing free-form diamond module (AR049038B) developed by Ned+, which owns a higher efficiency for utilization and transmittance for solar energy, excellent overall optical efficiency, and makes the optical power consumption of XR2 Reference Design reduced significantly.

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