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Lenovo ThinkReality A3 AR Smart Glasses

Product feature:

1. Clear with High Transparency
2. Light and Simple
3. Unibody Design
Product Parameter

1. Introduction

As the first AR terminal to support Qualcomm? Snapdragon Spaces, Lenovo ThinkReality A3 Smart Glasses are also one of the most advanced enterprise-class smart glasses with the most functions on the market. We are introduced that the Lenovo ThinkReality A3 has an appearance similar to ordinary sunglasses, and it is light in weight, portable and comfortable to wear, also, its stability and safety can be enhanced with optional industrial accessories. According to the developer feedback reported earlier, its lightweight, comfortable when wearing, running speed, SLAM algorithm and other performances are outstanding, especially the excellent display effect, and a better brightness and color saturation than HoloLens2. The software works beautifully on the glasses, showing a lot of details perfectly.

Lenovo ThinkReality A3 Smart Glasses also uses the Free-form AR Optical Solutions by Ned+.

2. Parameters

Powered by Snapdragon XR1 Platform;

Equipped with an 8MP RGB camera, available for 1080p high-quality video capture;

Equipped with dual fisheye cameras to support indoor space positioning

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