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Let AR return to AR, NED launched a new product: Freeform Diamond Pro

NED has made a significant upgrade on the basis of freeform diamonds, and launched freeform diamond Pro AR optical solutions
2022-11-17 14:41:57 2159 People Visited View details »

NED uses freeform technology to promote the miniaturization of optical waveguide

which enable the light waveguide display system to be more close to the form of ordinary glasses.
2022-10-25 14:21:19 1120 People Visited View details »

Lenovo Glass T1 uses NED Freeform Diamond AR optical solutions

Lenovo Yoga smart glasses T1 are using the newly developed Freeform Diamond AR optical solution developed by NED.
2022-09-02 14:01:23 1155 People Visited View details »

Jiangxi Optical Inspection Center was officially launched

Jiangxi Optical Inspection Center was officially launched,and NED undertook the technical operations.
2022-06-24 13:46:00 1457 People Visited View details »

ThinkReality A3 becomes the first AR terminal to support Snapdragon Spaces XR

ThinkReality A3 Smart Glasses are powered by freeform AR optical solution developed by NED.
2022-06-02 18:23:42 1140 People Visited View details »

Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 AR Glasses With Freeform Optical Module By NED

Qualcomm Announces The Snapdragon XR2 Wireless AR Smart Glasses Reference Design With Free-form Diamond Optical Module By NED.
2022-05-20 17:39:03 2415 People Visited View details »

Beijing NED Ltd. Completed Its B+ Round of Financing

May 13, 2022, the head domestic AR/VR optical module enterprise NED has completed its B+ round of financing participated jointly by industrial capital and industry capital. This round of financing is
2022-05-14 18:56:41 1372 People Visited View details »

NED+’s freeform prism factory increased production capacity by 2 times

Recent years, the development of AR/VR industry is changing day by day. With the support of elements including policy, industry, technology and capital, for example, metaverse or Web 3.0, AR/VR eco
2022-03-03 14:45:36 1151 People Visited View details »

NED’s Pancake VR solution was awarded as “Outstanding VR Industry Solution”

On January 14,2022 ,technology media Sina VR held a virtual meeting as 2021 Industry Awards Ceremony by Sina VR, with the theme of “The Meta-force Awaken”, invited many industry experts, media, inv
2022-01-15 19:00:37 866 People Visited View details »

Beijing NED Ltd.launched two holographic waveguide products

Holographic waveguide is considered as one of the cost-effective solution for consumer grade AR equipment.
2020-11-23 11:14:22 1759 People Visited View details »
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